Female Health 50ml oral spray


From the onset of puberty to menopause, some women get emotionally and physically stressed, tired or run down during times of hormonal disbalance. Manutuke Herbs ‘Female Health’ is for healthy menstrual flow and emotions during ovulation and menstruation, containing herbal and homeopathic remedies traditionally used during these phases.

Safe for teenagers just starting their menstrual cycle where it may be irregular, painful or heavy. Safe for women suffering from emotional upset and mood changes during their menstrual cycle.

Animals: Many of our clients with broody mares find this remedy helpful.

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Ingredients Herbal contents: Fenugreek| Red Clover | Raspberry | Chaste Tree | Wild Yam Homeopathic contents: Lachesis | Sepia | Pulsatilla | Platina | Calc Carb | Calm in 6x, 60x and 30c potency in a vegetable glycerine base