About Us

The Manutuke Herb’s homeopathic range is a general
first aid and
natural remedies range.
Our philosophy is to help restore the confidence of using
traditional medicines in the home for first aid and simple
healthcare solutions.

Our Story

Manutuke Herbs was established by qualified homeopath Amanda Macrae in Gisborne in 2009. Amanda had previously worked with Naturopharm and Selene Homeopathics and was contracted to design products for other NZ companies within the natural health industry. With a passion for making remedies, Amanda also loves to grow her own herbs and following the process from growing the product, manufacturing it into a tincture or dry herb, to then prescribing for clients. As with the retail environment, Manutuke Herbs has changed many times over the years  from small premises to larger and now just on-line.  Our products are now stocked in many pharmacies and stores around New Zealand.  

From Gisborne, London, Australia and even Dubai, Manutuke Herbs products have travelled around the world.

Manutuke Herbs online store supplies products to New Zealand and Australia.   Manutuke Herbs is in growing demand and offers safe, affordable, easy-to-use remedies made by qualified practitioners with a passion for helping others. 


What Makes Us Different?

Manutuke Herbs makes 100% of our own products. These products are made by hand, using traditional methods of preparation and manufacture. Amanda also collects many of the herbs or grows a small number to ensure traceability of product from soil – to bottle! All other herbs are sourced from certified organic suppliers. Manutuke Herbs manufacturers its tinctures in GE free, grain based alcohol. Most manufacturers use whey-based alcohol (animal by product) to extract their herbal tinctures. Our practitioners are qualified in classical homeopathy and/or herbalism and apply modern practices to both treatments. We take into account that many of our clients do not have hours to spare going over their life story. Nor do they have hundreds of dollars to spend on consultations.

Dispensing Services For Natural Healthcare Practitioners

Whether you’re a:

  • midwife with a client needing support with induction or milk supply
  • homoeopath needing a remedy and potency you don’t have on stock
  • bodywork practitioner needing a natural health remedy to support a healing response in a client
  • a vet or doctor with a client asking if there is a natural alternative

    We work with you and never prescribe over your prescription or ask our customers to stop prescribed medication. We simply offer a safe, natural option with no pharmacological interactions. We are trained and qualified to be able to do this safely, respecting your practice needs.

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine is the oldest and still the most widely used system of medicine in the world today. It is medicine made exclusively from plants. It is used in all societies and is common to all cultures. Manutuke Herbs uses a large number of New Zealand native plant tinctures in its formulas. Herbal medicine is increasingly being validated by scientific investigation which seeks to understand the active chemistry of the plant. Many modern pharmaceuticals have been modeled on, or derived from chemicals found in plants.Manutuke Herbs’ liquid tinctures are manufactured as homeopathic tinctures. Our tinctures are 90% certified organic bases using grain based alcohol, vegan friendly.The amount of herbal tincture and dose administered in our combination remedies is not the usual therapeutic dose that you may be used to. The supporting homeopathic remedies empower the tincture therefore you use less tincture less frequently to get the effect you require. If the correct remedy is prescribed we expect changes in the symptoms within days, not weeks as some formulas can take while they reach therapeutic levels. This makes our use of rare and high value herbs more sustainable and affordable for our clients.