Cayenne – Originally from the Amazon region, cayenne peppers come in many shapes and sizes and heating levels.  It is a member of the nightshade family (Solanaceae).  It contains a substance called capsaicin, which has the ability to block the chemical messenger in your body that transmits pain in a local area.  For this reason it is commonly used in rubs and to ease the pain of herpes, shingles and arthritis.

Cayenne pepper has been recorded as being used for:
  • Decongesting the lungs, improving digestion
  • To stop bleeding – Sprinkle a pinch on a cut to quickly stop the bleeding (I do this and it really works – it does sting a bit but it’s cleansing). Invigorating the bloody and improving removal of toxins, improves circulation.
  • Pain rubs – Make a paste and rub into cold sores, sore joints or sore muscles.  It will heat and feel slightly uncomfortable but it will help.  Process: 1 teaspoon of cayenne powder to 1 tablespoon of olive oil (or other oil).  Or add 1/2 tsp to 1/2 cup vodka.  Leave for a week, filter and bottle.  Rub into sore muscles and joints. Use liberally when you have a cold or any sinus problems as it supports the reduction of immune reactivity, dries up mucus, opens nasal passage ways and is good for the immune system.

Or if you prefer to purchase already made products containing cayenne and it’s wonderful benefits click on any of the images below.





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