“It’s really hard to find the time”, is something we all can relate too! Time is limited, the list of things to do unlimited and trying to balance the two often seems endless and over-whelming. 

Perhaps the hardest of all, is to see beyond the to-do’s and to find a perspective that is not so overwhelming, a perspective that gives us a break from the stress and worry, allowing us to ‘give ourselves a break’ so that we can re-fuel, de-stress, smell the roses, pound the pavement, take a walk or just blob on the couch or curl up with a good book.

So how do we find the time or the perspective to see that taking a break is about looking after ourselves and not being selfish or fitting more in? Talking to others is a 100% guaranteed way of hearing another perspective. Just by sharing what you have going on can be enough for someone else to say, “Wow, sounds like things are super busy and stressful for you”, or “Wow, take care of yourself, take a break”, or perhaps “How can I help?”. Just hearing another’s perspective on your situation can be enough to allow ourselves to say “Yes I do have a lot on, I should acknowledge that and give myself a break”. We would say the same to a friend or family member in the same situation, right?

Is it good to feel good? Yes, the answer is YES! As life gets busy and complicated sometimes we get bogged down and forget that life has up’s too. When you are feeling low, accept and acknowledge this feeling, it is not a failure, we all need to pause every now and then. The alternative is to spiral into stress, stress and more stress. Instead do something you have been wanting to do, something that makes you feel good and is good for you. It really will change your approach and perspective on what is in front of you.

Of course if things have been tough for some time and are not getting better, or you can’t access some time out or support, talking to a health care provider is vitally important. Try your GP, Healthline (Call Healthline free on 0800 611 116) or organisation’s such as The Mental Health Foundation (Free call or text 1737, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor or talk to a peer support worker. The service is completely free).

MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK (MHAW) IS RUN ANNUALLY BY THE MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION. This year the theme is Reimagine Wellbeing Together – He Tirohanga Anamata. To read more about it you can follow this link: https://mhaw.nz/

To learn more about Manutuke Herbs’ products to support mental well-being, click the image below.







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