Perineum Spray (topical) 100ml


cooling – soothing aloe vera gel with witch hazel and organic herbs or calendula and hypericum.  Your perineum will thank you for it…………………  aaaaaaahhh relief.

The herbs in this repair and recovery perineum spray are known for their antiseptic, healing and nerve repair properties.

Based in an easy to use 50ml spray which can be used directly or sprayed onto sanitary pads.

This spray can also be used on any cuts, abrasions, lacerations or wounds on any of your family members.


Perineum Spray 100ml topical spray

Recovery and repair.  Apply directly to the perineum or spray onto a sanitary pad (pop sanitary pads in the fridge for extra cooling).


Certified organic Calendula flower tincture | Certified organic Hypericum tincture | diluted in Certified organic Witch Hazel (alcohol free) | Certified organic Aloe Vera gel.

Calendula is a well known natural antiseptic which is suitable for application to wounds, tears and abrasion.

Hypericum (St John’s Wort) is a herb known for its affinity to the nerves.  Its application traditional for nerve damage or pain when nerves have been severed is well noted and praised for its help.

Witch Hazel is a been used for centuries for inflammation and irritations.

Aloe Vera gel is known for its cooling soothing properties.

Additional information


100ml, 50ml





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