Ever been stung by a bee and not been near the house to quickly apply vinegar to aid with pain relief? Well chances are that were you are standing by the Plantain herb that you could have picked, chewed and applied to the sting site and relieved the pain.

Plantain has been traditionally used for soothing inflamed and infected tissues of the respiratory, urinary and digestive tracts.  Clinical trials have shown it to be useful in treating chronic bronchitis and coughs.  For relieving colds you need to drink Plantain tea often.

Plantain is also good for ulcers, irritable bowel, cystitis and painful urination.  Plantain will neutralize the stomach acids and normalise stomach secretions and it clears the ears of mucus.

Plantain is rich in vitamins C, K and T.  It is rich in calcium, potassium and sulphur!

External uses: amazing for quickly reducing pain of bites, stings, cuts, scrapes and burns.  Infected gums and abscesses: chew herb and keep in mouth as long as possible.  It will also stop haemorrahging when applied directly to site.

Dose: poultice/external.
Combine fresh leaves and little water to form a slimy paste.  Apply and cover with bandage or adhesive tape, leave for an hour or two.  Replace several times a day – keep wet.

Tea: simmer ½ cup of the leaves in 2 or 3 cups of water for 30-40 minutes.  Drink 1 to 2 cups several times a day.

Do not use during pregnancy as there are no studies that show Plantain is safe during pregnancy. 

Pick plants that are not been driven over by the car or close to places that your dog/cat do their toileting.  Never use plants that have recently been sprayed with roundup or any pesticides or that are growing beside waste/rubbish areas.  The best plants picked are those that have signs that insects have been enjoying them – this is always a sign that the plant is healthy.

If DIY herbal remedies are not your thing – that’s ok, that’s what we do!

For a ‘ready made’ Plaintain Ointment Click HERE (or image below) or to see our other allergy remedies click HERE or below.